Thursday, January 8, 2015

Exactly one year later.. and I'm still trying.

So here I am a week into another New Year, and nothing has really changed. I'm still really overweight, and am actually at my heaviest at 234 pounds. But I'm trying again. And there's no time like a new year to get things in gear.

I have goals. Eventually I want to lose 70 pounds. I want to start exercising more and really watching my food intake. I want to start running. I'll never do marathons, but I do have a 5K in mind in September if not before.

It still isn't easy. I still love bad food far too much. For example, today I made macaroni and cheese for the husband for lunch. I had a pork chop and a fruit and grain bar, so I saved some mac and cheese for later for my supper, and I ate two bites off of the spoon while putting it away. And it was so good, it took a lot of willpower not to eat the "saved" bowl right away. But I didn't. Maybe sometime it'll get easier not to eat all the things or all the bad things. One step at a time, I guess.

I had foot surgery in August, and while it went well, it's still numb in places which may be permanent, and I have what's called a reverse bunion on that foot so my feet are kind of sensitive. What I have learned is that have to be picky about my tennis shoes now, and yeah, they might be a little expensive, but I NEED proper footwear and most of the time it doesn't come cheap.

I'm still hoping to join the YMCA in a couple weeks. Husband insists I don't need a gym membership, that I "should be able to do it on your own" but with the Iowa weather still not being tropical all year round and my tendonitis from falling on the ice, I'm gonna quietly disagree. And when I said I just wanted a treadmill the response I got was "we don't have the room." Which is true, but then why would you not support a gym membership where I can run safely indoors? I give up trying to understand at times.

So, to make a long story somewhat short, I'm back at it. And here's another photo. This is the lovely bathroom mirror selfie.

'til next time, loves.