I'm back, finally. A couple months of troubles with depression and not giving a damn about what I ate or the consequences, and I'm now I'm back on the horse, so to speak. I'm back to watching what I eat, and making an effort to think about what I eat, and trying to exercise.
It's still hard. I'm not a fan of much that's healthy for me, but I'm trying, little by little. I'm cutting back on caffeine again. Right now I'm still drinking some "regular" and some caffeine free, then I'll work on cutting out the whole soda thing and all the chemicals. Or maybe I'll just go cold turkey now and see what happens.
Going to try the "couch to 5K" thing. I'm putting the app on my phone as I can connect to GPS while I'm out, which my ipod doesn't like to do. I hope to start that today after we get home from all the errands. Hopefully someday I'll be able to dust off and use the taebo dvd that's collecting dust as well. I hate doing workout dvds when my kids are home, as I always have an audience and plenty of commentary. But I'll try tomorrow.
Here's to hopefully a good day.